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E.MiLac Base Gel for Pedicure 9 ml

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E.MiLac Base Gel for Pedicure 9 ml

     - Tolnaftat in the composition provides an antifungal effect, aimed at the treatment and prevention of fungal diseases.
     - Liquid and elastic - retains the mobility of the nail plate.
     - Quickly equalizes and does not shrink.
     - Suitable for strong, weak, soft and thin nails.
     - Has high adhesion.

Transparent easy-to-remove base for pedicure procedure.


Sawing down.

As part of the base for pedicure there is tolnaphtat which has an antifungal effect and is used for the treatment and prevention of fungal nail diseases. In addition, tolnaphtate has a disinfectant property.

The pedicure base creates a thin and durable nail covering.

Polymerization in LED, LED/CCFL, UV and CCFL lamps - 2 min.

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